About us The team Fernanda Aguilar Perez Fe joined Dystonia UK as a trustee in 2023, after getting familiar with the amazing work it does. She started her career at the university sector, with a MSc in Public Health and a PhD in Global Health. After many years in the academia, she decided to move to the charity sector and never looked back. She now works as a public health researcher, aiming at improving people’s quality of life and influencing policy change. Because of her experience as a charity employee, she understands the importance of being a good trustee, supporting staff with their work and raising awareness of what dystonia is and the needs of the community. She’s particularly interested in supporting Dystonia UK with its research and policy work, so that we can help people with dystonia to advocate for their rights and ensure there is a supportive and accessible health and care system in place for them. Fe is South American and lives in London with her Loiner husband. She’s got two rescued cats who only love their treats and naps (not their humans). In her spare time, she enjoys going for very long walks and watching sports, particularly football.