The ðŸŒŸ Dystonia Superstar Award - Scotland ðŸŒŸ is your chance to recognise a superstar in the dystonia community - whether they have dystonia themselves or not, they are someone that has made a difference to you or others. It’s up to you to decide what makes them a Dystonia Superstar!


“Beth’s an exceptional volunteer and a vital supporter of the dystonia community. Beth, who also has dystonia, supports her husband who lives with the same condition, volunteers, and raises awareness and money for Dystonia UK. Beth’s dedication to helping others while managing her own challenges makes her very inspiring.”


“Emma’s in pain 24 hrs a day and she somehow still smiles. When she smiles her mouth is so big it lights up the room! She’s had dystonia for 20 years, it’s taken over her life. Sorry, taken over our life as a family! We’ve been blessed with 2 boys aged 10 and 13 and despite everything and all the pain they are her no1 priority! She’s always been a bit of a daredevil so she’s raising money for dystonia in August by doing a Wing walk! I was going to do it but I don’t want too! She’s selfless and caring and beautiful inside and out! Guess no matter what life throws at us we’re loved up!”


“Jill’s been like a fundraising machine for dystonia, tirelessly working to make a difference. Jill's always chatting with others about dystonia, spreading awareness wherever she goes. Plus, she’s a real support to people in the dystonia community. Honestly, I find her pretty inspirational. Jill's determination and passion for helping those affected by dystonia are truly something special. She’s definitely nominee material in my book!”