Help and support Our conferences Dystonia Matters Live 2022 How much will my ticket cost? Ticket pricing Children (up to 18 years old) can attend free. Please note there will be no carers on site so children attending in person must be accompanied at all times. For those attending virtually, we are operating an honour system and we ask that you purchase the number of tickets appropriate for the number of people in your household attending, even if you are sharing a screen. Dystonia UK members - please enter your member discount code at the checkout to apply a 10% discount on all tickets. Ticket entry Entry includes: a digital welcome pack a printed programme early access to conference platform* refreshments (including lunch)** live sessions / live streamed sessions a goody bag networking opportunities access to exhibition stands *virtual attendees only **in person attendees only Transparent pricing We love bringing you our events for free, and wherever we can we do. This year we have been supported by sponsors and trusts which has allowed us to heavily subsidise tickets. This means the cost for you has not increased since our last in person conference. This is not a profit making event. Any money raised through tickets is used for costs relating to the event. In person and virtual ticket prices are the same price as we have the same costs for both ticket types.
Ticket pricing Children (up to 18 years old) can attend free. Please note there will be no carers on site so children attending in person must be accompanied at all times. For those attending virtually, we are operating an honour system and we ask that you purchase the number of tickets appropriate for the number of people in your household attending, even if you are sharing a screen. Dystonia UK members - please enter your member discount code at the checkout to apply a 10% discount on all tickets. Ticket entry Entry includes: a digital welcome pack a printed programme early access to conference platform* refreshments (including lunch)** live sessions / live streamed sessions a goody bag networking opportunities access to exhibition stands *virtual attendees only **in person attendees only Transparent pricing We love bringing you our events for free, and wherever we can we do. This year we have been supported by sponsors and trusts which has allowed us to heavily subsidise tickets. This means the cost for you has not increased since our last in person conference. This is not a profit making event. Any money raised through tickets is used for costs relating to the event. In person and virtual ticket prices are the same price as we have the same costs for both ticket types.