Professor Alan Scott (1932-2021) - In Memoriam by Dr Marie-Helene Marion


  1. M. Edward Wilson, MD. 
  2. C. Koons.
  3. Wikipedia.,obscure%20but%20devastating%20eye%20diseases%E2%80%9D.
  4. World Nation News Desk.
  5. Drachman DB. Atrophy of Skeletal Muscle in Chick Embryos Treated with Botulinum Toxin". Science 1964.145; 719-721 • doi: 10.112/science.145.3633.719
  6. Drachman DB: Botulinum toxin as a tool for research on the nervous system. In LL Simpson (ed): Neuropoisons: Their Pathophysiological Actions. New York, Plenum Press, 1971, pp 325-347.
  7. Scott AB, Rosenbaum AL, Collins CC. Pharmacologic weakening of extra-ocular muscles. Invest Ophthalmol- 1973. 12:924-927 
  8. Scott AB. Botulinum toxin injection of eye muscles to correct strabismus., Transactions American Ophthalmological Society. 1981; vol. LXXIX. 
  9. Scott AB, Kennedy RA, Stubbs HA. Botulinum A toxin injection as a treatment for blepharospasm. Arch Ophthalmol. 1985 Mar;103(3):347-5

The role of the cerebellum in dystonia by Anna Sadnicka and Megan Wright


  1. Neychev VK, Gross RE, Lehéricy S, Hess EJ, Jinnah HA. The functional neuroanatomy of dystonia. Neurobiol Dis. 2011 May;42(2):185-201. doi: 10.1016/j.nbd.2011.01.026. Epub 2011 Feb 12. PMID: 21303695; PMCID: PMC3478782.
  2. Diedrichsen, J., & Bastian, A. J. (2014). Cerebellar Function. In M. S. Gazzaniga (Ed.), The cognitive Neurosciences, fifth edition. Cambridge, MA: MIT press. 
  3. King, M., Hernandez-Castillo, C.R., Poldrack, R. A., Ivry, R., Diedrichsen, J. (2019). Functional Boundaries in the Human Cerebellum revealed by a Multi-Domain Task Battery. Nature Neuroscience.
  4. Sadnicka, A., Rocchi, L., Latorre, A., Antelmi, E., Teo, J., Pareés, I., Hoffland, B.S., Brock, K., Kornysheva, K., Edwards, M.J., Bhatia, K.P. and Rothwell, J.C. (2022), A Critical Investigation of Cerebellar Associative Learning in Isolated Dystonia. Mov Disord, 37: 1187-1192. 

Image reference: 

The anatomy and the different roles of the cerebellum adapted with permission from King, M., Hernandez-Castillo, C.R., Poldrack, R. A., Ivry, R., Diedrichsen, J. (2019). Functional Boundaries in the Human Cerebellum revealed by a Multi-Domain Task Battery. Nature Neuroscience.