Blepharospasm - Lifting the Lid book request

Cover of Blepharospasm - Lifting the Lid

Prof. Brigitte Girard is a Doctor of Medicine, Ophthalmologist and Surgeon, member of the French Society of Ophthalmology and the American Academy of Ophthalmology. She is a former Chief Resident at Paris VI Faculty of Medicine, she is Associate Professor at Paris Hospitals College of Medicine, and Head of the Department of Ophthalmology at Tenon Hospital and Saint-Antoine Hospital in Paris. She is also Vice- Chair of the scientific committee of AMADYS. She has, for more than twenty years, been treating patients living with blepharospasm.

Described as accessible to all, this book explores:
■ What is Blepharospasm?
■ Patients own stories in their words.
■ Why diagnosis is often missed.
■ Ophthalmological problems associated with Blepharospasm.
■ Quality of Life.
■ Management of Blepharospasm.

The book hopes that patients will recognize their own experiences of living with the condition. They often experience going between different clinicians and professionals, being isolated and not being understood by those around them. In an area where so little is written and publications are rare this book provides more information for patients and professionals to improve understanding and management of the disorder.

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