Help and support Frequently asked questions Treatment FAQs I live outside the UK – how can I get help with my dystonia in my own country? It is best to start with your primary health practitioner (the equivalent of the UK's GP - General Practice - service). Discuss your symptoms with them and ask for a referral to a specialist movement disorder service in your locality. They should also be able to signpost you to other forms of support. You (or someone on your behalf) can search online to find specialists and other sources of support using the following search terms: Movement disorder specialist (+ your geographical area e.g. Kenya) Dystonia specialist (+ your geographical area) Neurological movement disorder clinic (+ your geographical area) Dystonia support (+ your geographical area) Dystonia UK cannot assist with medical fees or other costs. You could use the following online search terms to find possible charities or funders: Assistance with medical fees (+ your geographical area, e.g. India) Medical fees charity support (+ your geographical area) Help with healthcare costs (+ your geographical area)