Support us Your voice heard Take part in surveys My Neuro Survey Please share your experiences to ensure the voice of the dystonia community is heard. Everyone deserves access to the right care, treatment and support at the right time, no matter who you are or where you live. But too often this isn’t the case. By sharing your experiences, you help build a picture of treatment, care and support for people living with neurological conditions throughout the UK. Who can take part? Anyone with experience of dystonia or another neurological condition can take part.You must be living in England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland or Republic of Ireland. There are 3 different surveys. The most suitable one for you will depend on your age and whether you have dystonia or not. They are: An adult’s survey – for people 18 and over with dystonia A young people and children’s survey – for people under 18 with dystonia A carers’ survey – for people 18 and over who support someone with dystonia, including parents, spouses, and all types of carers and people who provide support. How long will it take? The survey takes approximately 20 minutes to complete. It is not possible for me to take part online, can I still take part? Yes! To take part over the phone, please call the survey partners 'Revealing Reality' on 020 7735 8040. To take part by paper, please get in touch. Can I take part in a different language to English? Yes. Please call the survey partners 'Revealing Reality' on 020 7735 8040 to take part in another language. Is the survey anonymous? Yes. The survey is completely anonymous and secure. It is not possible to identify you from your responses. When does it close? Friday 15th November 2024. With thanks to The Neurological Alliance (England), the neurological alliances of Scotland, Wales and the Northern Ireland Neurological Charities Alliance, and The Neurological Alliance of Ireland.